ocr: And how much cheaper it is in the long run. If you can get your wife to sign a marital give & take settlement agreement, even if iti isn't quite "fair" and you get more than normal, the court usually accepts it and it can't be modified, if properly m - drafted, except for the best interests of the kids. l Wcmllel iocnth be enf CMPCHE E able if - the didn*t sign inth woluntarily. - i ib WLE uTCOE cicre bable, i ewerything Vh a iocnth cliso Ce loc - E C" E he dicn* have Pull Iknowledge E Burh the jundige is iocnth bopuMhC by the LEN I Vol arc eehrie er EN illy IT collows inth CHIEANP ! FAST ! IM ...